E-Blended Learning
Digital Technology and Learning at Ponsonby Primary
Click the Link to view NZ Digital Technology Curriculum
Ponsonby Primary School is a multi platform and future focused school. Digital technology is an important aspect of preparing our children to participate, create and thrive in this fast-moving digital world. Here at Ponsonby Primary we are redefining learning and achievement through the use of digital technology by developing confidence and skill in the use of various digital technologies by increasing student engagement, global readiness and most importantly developing digital citizenship.
Ponsonby Primary School is a multi platform and future focused school. Digital technology is an important aspect of preparing our children to participate, create and thrive in this fast-moving digital world. Here at Ponsonby Primary we are redefining learning and achievement through the use of digital technology by developing confidence and skill in the use of various digital technologies by increasing student engagement, global readiness and most importantly developing digital citizenship.
All teachers in every classroom at Ponsonby Primary understand the importance of balance between traditional learning (reading, writing and maths using books, paper and pencils) and the use of digital technology. This means students will only be on devices anywhere from 1-3 hours per week (however this can vary greatly due to EOTC, sports events and arts to name a few). As educators, we ensure we teach our children the appropriate digital skills and digital citizenship values from Year 1 onwards. We also ensure our children are using devices ergonomically by providing ergonomic surroundings with the use of flexible learning spaces and teaching them about screen time, viewing distances, seat and height posture etc.
You’ll find these posters, which are used as part of deliberate lessons, on all classroom walls at Ponsonby Primary.

BYOD at Ponsonby Primary
In 2024 there will be very minimal classroom devices available for those children without their own device. BYOD isn’t new here at PPS, we’ve been on this journey for over ten years. Therefore we highly encourage all students in Years 3-6 to bring their own device to school each day.
Device Recommendations Only
Year 1 Students will have access to school owned tablets (Not BYOD)
Year 2 Students will have access to school owned tablets (Not BYOD)
Year 3 – 6 Chromebook, Windows Laptop, MacBook or iPads.
If you are considering purchasing a device for your child in year 3-6, we suggest a Windows laptop or MacBook but a Chromebook or iPad is just as efficient for everyday learning through Google and its various apps for education. It really depends on how much you are wanting to spend and what skills you would like your child to gain.
To view our BYOD Frequently Asked Questions click the Link
Anja Kingston
E-Learning Facilitator
Sanjay Rama

For any further information, questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you have any concerns or worries about our e learning programmes, please do not hesitate to contact Anja Kingston or Sanjay Rama by phone or email to set up a meeting.